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Recapping Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2017

As we spread the word about Marsy’s Law for Nevada crime victims’ rights effort we meet so many wonderful residents, civic leaders and members of organizations.  As we stand up for the rights of victims of crime, we also stand alongside a host of important and impactful organizations making a difference every day across Nevada.  Many of these work directly with victims of crime and domestic violence.

October marked Domestic Violence Awareness Month across America.  According to the 2016 report by the Nevada Coalition to END Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCEDSV):

  • 16 women, 4 men, and 3 children died in Nevada due to domestic violence intimate partner homicide (involving either a spouse, former spouse, current or former dating relationship, or spouse with children in common, or a parent)
  • 3 men were killed by partners of, or former partners of domestic violence victims
  • Domestic violence shelters and agencies received 64,457 contacts and calls for assistance during the year across Nevada
  • There were 108,642 referrals for Nevada services such as housing, legal help,
  • food, and more

Marsy’s Law for Nevada team members were on hand as civic leaders including the cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson presented proclamations recognizing the seriousness of domestic violence and thanking the organizations helping the victims escape to safe shelters, receive guidance, access counseling, and start new lives.   We applaud the individuals and organizations who are helping save lives and stop the cycle of domestic violence. 

   For more information on domestic violence, or if you need help, please contact the

- National Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-7233

- NV Coalition to END Domestic & Sexual Violence/Referral & Information: www.ncedsv.org/find-help/

- NV Attorney General/DV Statewide Resources:  www.AG.NV.Gov/Hot_Topics/Victims/DV_Nevada/

February 2018 Newsletter

The campaign efforts for Marsy’s Law for Nevada kicked off the week of February 19th - uniting victims, law enforcement, civic leaders and advocacy...

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Go Purple in April for National Crime Victims' Rights Week

GO PURPLE in April and show your support for victims of crime across Nevada and nationwide. Each year the US Department of Justice Office for Victims...

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