2 min read

Go Purple in April for National Crime Victims' Rights Week

GO PURPLE in April and show your support for victims of crime across Nevada and nationwide. Each year the US Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime calls on Americans to remember victims and support efforts to ensure their voices are heard. Marsy’s Law for Nevada is proud to support this effort once again.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is set for April 21-27, and this year’s theme is “How Would You Help? Options, services, and hope for crime survivors.” Together we can GO PURPLE and bring awareness. Together we can make sure victims and survivors are aware of their legal rights enshrined in the Nevada Constitution thanks to the November 2018 voter approval of Marsy’s Law for Nevada.

GO PURPLE.  April 21-27 businesses, venues, civic leaders, and residents across Nevada can again shine their lights PURPLE to mark the week. Venues planning to GO PURPLE should email us with your date so we can share it with media and on social media posts. Take photos of your GO PURPLE effort with lights, marquees, or purple clothing, and then post them on social media using the hashtags: #VictimsRightsMLNV, #NCVRW2024, #GoPurpleMLNV, and #GoPurpleNCVRW.

STATISTICS. Last year in Nevada, 55 law enforcement agencies investigated 13,209 incidents of “violent crime” including murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Domestic violence cases totaled 28,236. Crime statistics are sent by law enforcement to the FBI’s Crime Data site *National Incident-Based Reporting System NIBRS, for Nevada Crime Stats. https://NevadaCrimeStats.NV.Gov/Tops/report/violent-crime/Nevada/2023

RESOURCES. Victims of crime in need of assistance or support will find a statewide list of assistance organizations, and information on victims’ rights now protected under our state constitution on the Mary’s Law for NV website, www.MarsysLawForNV.com and the Nevada Attorney General’s website: https://ag.nv.gov. Your local police/sheriff's agencies and District Attorney offices also provide victim services.

Marsy’s Law for Nevada Guarantees Crime Victims:

  • The Right to receive information about their rights, and the services available to crime victims.
  • Right to be treated with fairness and respect throughout the criminal justice process.
  • Right to be notified of a defendant’s impending release, and be protected from the defendant.
  • Right to notice of all public proceedings in the case.
  • Right to be reasonably heard, upon request, at all public proceedings regarding the case.
  • Right to reasonably confer with the prosecuting agency, upon request, regarding the case.
  • Right to full and timely restitution.

History of Marsy’s Law

The effort is named after Marsalee “Marsy” Nicholas who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in California in 1983. A week later he was released pending his court proceedings and went face to face with the victim’s family, who had no idea he was out of jail. Today her family is working to secure a voice and protection for victims and their families, nationwide. Individual Marsy’s Law measures have now been approved in twelve states including Nevada, California, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Efforts are underway in Idaho and Tennessee. More than 140 million people now have protected rights under Marsy’s Law. www.MarsysLawforNV.com

Marsy’s Law Media Contacts
Deborah Clayton & Kim Schofield

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