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Nevada Voters Approve Effort to Guarantee Victims’ Rights

For Immediate Release

November 6, 2018

Nevada Voters Approve Effort to Guarantee Victims’ Rights

LAS VEGAS, NV - Consider it a victory for every Nevadan. Tonight, the voters of our state have approved Question 1 which will strengthen and expand victims’ rights in the state constitution.  The YES vote follows the approval of state lawmakers in two separate legislative sessions in 2015 and 2017 through the advocacy of state and leaders, businesses, advocacy organizations, law enforcement, and legal experts across Nevada. Together we have worked to bring awareness to residents about the lack of enforceable guarantees for Nevada victims of crime during the judicial process.


“No longer will Nevada be one of a handful of states without strong, guaranteed, constitutional rights for victims,” said Marsy’s Law for Nevada State Director, Will Batista. “With the approval of Question 1 on the ballot, Nevada voters have sent a clear message that victims deserve more consideration and protections during the judicial process.”

Nevada Assemblywoman Teresa Benitez-Thompson (D-27) has said, “This represents so much energy, so much passion, so much work that has been done by victims and their supporters to say that we need a change, and we need this change to happen in the best way possible that's going to support the most amount of people.

Nevada State Senator Scott Hammond (R-18), said, “Thanks to this victory, victims will soon find the judicial system less confusing, and feel more relevant as their case moves through the criminal justice process.”

We thank the citizens across Nevada who voted YES on Question 1 for victims’ rights.  It has been an honor to work on behalf of every Nevadan.


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