New Resources for Survivors & Advocates as We GO PURPLE for Crime Victims’ Rights Week"
Nevada, April 19-25, 2020
2 min read
Admin Apr 16, 2021
For Immediate Release
Nevada, April 18-24, 2021
Locations across Nevada are preparing to GO PURPLE in April and show their support for victims of crime
Each year the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime calls on Americans to remember victims, and support efforts to ensure their voices are heard. National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is set for April 18-24, and this year’s theme is “Support Victims. Build Trust. Engage.” In recognition, Marsy’s Law for Nevada crime victims’ rights advocates ask all Nevada citizens and businesses to unite and GO PURPLE. Sean Flignor, Marsy’s Law for Nevada spokesman says, “Our goal is to bring awareness about the needs of victims and the rights they now have in Nevada, and offer recognition for the outstanding professionals who work each day to protect and inform victims, and see that justice is done.”
Here in Nevada, police in 2019 investigated a total of 85,926 cases of “Index Crimes” including murder, rape, robbery, felony domestic violence, serious property crimes, and more. That tally is reported in the FBI’s most recent Uniform Crime Report, from 2019.
This April, Marsy’s Law for Nevada will once again unite with supporters nationwide to remember the victims and survivors. We are happy to help arrange interviews for media during this week to bring awareness.
Locations Confirmed to GO PURPLE for NCVRW
#GoPurpleMLNV, #VictimsRightsNV, or #NCVRW2021
Resources for Victims
Victims of crime in need of assistance or support will find a statewide list of resources and assistance organizations, along with information on victims’ rights now protected under our state constitution on the Mary’s Law for NV website,, on the Nevada Attorney General’s website:, or check your County government website, District Attorney pages, and local advocacy organizations.
Among the Guarantees Marsy’s Law for Nevada Provides for Crime Victims:
• The Right to receive information about their rights, and the services available to crime victims.
• Right to be treated with fairness and respect throughout the criminal justice process.
• Right to be notified of a defendant’s impending release, and be protected from the defendant.
• Right to notice of all public proceedings in the case.
• Right to be reasonably heard, upon request, at all public proceedings regarding the case.
• Right to reasonably confer with the prosecuting agency, upon request, regarding the case.
• Right to full and timely restitution.
History of Marsy’s Law
The effort is named after Marsalee “Marsy” Nicholas who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in California in 1983. A week later he was released pending his court proceedings and went face to face with the victim’s family, who had no idea he was out of jail. Today her family is working to secure a voice and protection for victims and their families, nationwide. Individual Marsy’s Law measures have now been approved in twelve states including Nevada. Nearly 140-million people, or 40-percent of all Americans, now receive protected rights under Marsy’s Law.
Marsy’s Law Media Contacts
Deborah Clayton & Kim Schofield
Nevada, April 19-25, 2020
GO PURPLE in April and show your support for victims of crime across Nevada and nationwide. Each year the US Department of Justice Office for Victims...
Nevada Newsmakers July 20th, 2018